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User Dashboard

The user dashboard shows important information about the selected user.


The dashboard is available under the following URLs:

  • https://<frontend-url>/dashboard: The dashboard of the currently logged-in user.
  • https://<frontend-url>/user/<user-id>: The dashboard of the VyHub user with ID <user-id>.
  • https://<frontend-url>/profile/<provider>/<id>: The dashboard of the <provider> user with ID <id>.

    For example: https://<frontend-url>/profile/steam/76561197960287930


The user dashboard consists of multiple tabs:


  • Packets: List of the users applied packets.
  • Statistics: Graph that shows the history of user attributes with type=ACCUMULATED and unspecific=True.
  • Avatar: Avatar of the user and all linked users. Also indicated if the user is an instance admin.
  • Groups: List of all active groups per serverbundle. Also shows active properties and group memberships.
  • Linked users: Information about all linked user accounts, including user attributes with unspecific=True.
  • Bans and Warnings: Number of bans and warnings.
  • User Log: User related logs.


  • A list of all purchases of the user with the ability to download invoices
  • Credits: History of credit payments and option to add credits


A tab for each serverbundle that shows serverbundle specific information.

  • Statistics: Graph that shows the serverbundle specific history of user attributes with type=ACCUMULATED.
  • Linked users: Information about relevant linked user accounts, including user attributes for the serverbundle.
  • Bans and Warnings: Number of bans and warnings in the selected serverbundle.
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