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Requirement Sets

Requirement sets are used for advanced requirements to limit access to an action or a certain resource.

Usage of Requirement Sets

  • Packets
  • Html Pages


Attribute Description
Name Unique nae to identify the set
Formula Formula, which is going to be evaluated

Add / Edit

Requirement Sets and Requirements can be added and edited through the designated Requirements page.


Attribute Description
Type Type of requirement
Operator Operator of requirement
Key Relation to other resources (e.g. Packet-id)
Value Desired value (permission level 42)

Available Types

This list gives an overview of all available types with their respective operations

  • Group member (EQ, NEQ)
  • Permission level (EQ, NEQ, LEQ, GEQ, LT, GT)
  • Permission level within a specific serverbundle
  • Property (HAVE, NHAVE)
  • Property within a specific serverbundle
  • User Attribute (EQ, NEQ, LEQ, GEQ, LT, GT, HAVE, NHAVE)
  • Date (EQ, NEQ, LEQ, GEQ, LT, GT)
  • User-Self (NEQ, EQ)

Formula and Example Use cases

With the formula multiple requirements can be chained together. A logical formula can be created.

Requirement Sets can be for example used for the limitation of access to custom HTML pages. This way only players who have bought a certain packet or have a certain rank (e.g. VIP) can access the page.

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