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Self-Hosted Frontend

In both VyHub Cloud and Self-Hosted, a custom frontend can be used. Selfhosting allows for 100% customizability of your theme! This allows you to customize the look and feel of the frontend to match your brand or to add additional functionality.

Self-hosting the frontend is not required to use a custom domain. Please check out the custom domain guide for more information on how to set up a custom domain.

Preparing the Frontend files

  1. Clone the vyhub-web repository from GitHub:

git clone

  1. Install npm and run npm install in the cloned folder to install the required dependencies.

  2. Copy public/config.js.example to public/config.js and adjust the backend_url to the API URL of your VyHub instance.

  3. Run npm run serve to start the development server. You can open VyHub in your browser by navigating to http://localhost:5080.

  4. Adjust the frontend code to your needs.

  5. Run npm run build to build the frontend. The build files will be located in the dist folder.

Deploying the Frontend

VyHub Cloud

  1. You need a webserver and a custom domain to host the frontend.

  2. Upload all files from the dist folder to the root directory of your webserver.

  3. Make sure that config.js contains the correct backend URL.

  4. On the instance overview at, click on Edit Instance, set your custom domain and enable the Self-Hosted Frontend option.

  5. Save the changes and open your custom domain in your browser.

VyHub Self-Hosted

  1. In .env, set VYHUB_CUSTOM_FRONTEND to true.

  2. Recreate the containers with docker-compose up -d.

  3. Delete all files from the web folder (located in the directory where your docker-compose.yml is located).

  4. Upload all files from the dist folder to the web folder.

  5. Run docker-compose restart app.

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