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7 Days To Die

Download the newest VyHub.cs here:

Compatible 7 Days to Die Plugin APIs / Mods

  • Umod / Oxide


  1. In VyHub open the Add Server dialog in the Server settings and create the server.
  2. Click on the Setup button of the server and follow the instructions.
  3. Optionally, adjust the config files to your needs.

Group Sync

User groups are automatically synced. For this to work correctly, the serverbundle must be in multigoup: enabled mode.

VyHub group names can be mapped to in-game groups at the Advanced Properties tab in the group settings.

Bans and Warnings

Bans and Warnings are synced between servers within one serverbundle.


For Rust, the following types of rewards are supported:

  • COMMAND: Executes a console command on the server

Do not rely on onSpawn event. It is not triggered correctly. Unfortunately, we can not do anything about it as it directly depends on UMOD.

Available replacements

The following string replacements are available for rewards:

  • %user_id%: The VyHub user id
  • %nick%: The players in-game nickname
  • %applied_packet_id%: The id of the applied packet
  • %steamid64%: The players steam id
  • %packet_title%: The title of the packet
  • %purchase_amount%: Total amount with currency of the purchase. For example 30 EUR. If packet was applied without purchase: -.


  • /warn <player> <reason>: Warn a player
  • /vh_config <key> <value>: Set a config option
  • /vh_setup <api-key> <api_url> <server_id>