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Payment Gateways / Payment Methods

Payment gateways are used to accept payments from your users. You can create multiple payment gateways to offer your users more optionality. Without creating a payment gateway, users can't buy anything from your shop.

Attribute Description
Name Name of gateway
Subtitle Subtitle shown during checkout
Image URL [Optional] Image URL of the payment gateway. When no image is set, defaults are used
Enabled Enable the payment gateway
Environment Environment of gateway (Sandbox / Production)
Secrets Secrets provided by payment providers

Please follow the instructions below to add a payment gateway.


Video Tutorial

Supports recurring payments: yes

If you want to test the payments with a sandbox account first, do the steps below, but with a SANDBOX application.

  1. Create a PayPal Business account or upgrade your account to a business account. If you don't want to upgrade your account, you can use the PayPal (Easy) integration (see below).
  2. Create a REST API app in the PayPal Developer settings. Make sure to create the app for the Live environment.
  3. Under LIVE APP SETTINGS, enable Transaction Search, disable the Payouts feature and click Save.
  4. In your VyHub instance, create a PayPal payment gateway, select PRODUCTION environment and insert your Client ID and Client Secret.
  5. Click Create and edit the payment gateway again. At the bottom, copy the Webhook URL to your clipboard.
  6. Back in the PayPal Developer portal, click Add Webhook under LIVE WEBHOOKS and paste the copied URL.
  7. Select All events, scroll down and click Save.
  8. Copy the Webhook ID of the created webhook into the form and click Edit.

PayPal (Easy)

Supports recurring payments: no

The PayPal Easy/Legacy payment gateway is easier to set up and can be used without a PayPal business account. However, it has some limitations as it doesn’t support subscription payments, refunds and the general payment handling isn't as good as with the normal PayPal gateway.

  1. In your VyHub instance, create a PayPal (Easy) payment gateway, select PRODUCTION environment and insert your primary PayPal email address.
  2. Click Create and test if everything works fine.


Video Tutorial

Supports recurring payments: yes
Supported Stripe API version: 2024-06-20 and older

If you want to test the payments with a test account first, do the steps below, but with a TEST application.

  1. Create a Stripe account or log into your existing one.
  2. (Only required before Sepember 2024) Enable Stripe Workbench here.
  3. Open Stripe Workbench and locate the API keys section.
  4. In your VyHub instance, create a Stripe payment gateway, insert your Public Key and Private Key and select your desired Payment Methods.
  5. Click Create and edit the payment gateway again. At the bottom, copy the Webhook URL to your clipboard.
  6. Create a webhook endpoint using this link, click Continue and insert the copied URL to Endpoint URL. Then click Create.
  7. Go to the Webhooks Tab, select the created endpoint and click Reveal on the Signing Secret and copy it to your clipboard.
  8. Back at the VyHub settings of your Stripe gateway, insert the copied secret into the Webhook Secret field and click Edit.
  9. (Optional) In the Stripe settings of the created webhook endpoint, click Send test event to test if everything works fine.
  10. (Optional) In the settings of the payment gateway, enable Accept pending payments to enable fast payment processing for the Stripe payment gateways that take several hours/days until a payment is finished.


Supports recurring payments: no

These are the instructions to become an official paysafecard partner. You can also create a payment gateway with manual code confirmation with a Coupon gateway (see below).

  1. Become a paysafecard partner.
  2. In your VyHub instance, create a Paysafecard payment gateway, insert your API Key and select your desired Environment.
  3. Click Create.
  4. As no IP addresses can be whitelisted, ask paysafecard to give you a cryptographic certificate for authentification. The private key (Client Key) and certificate (Client Certificate) can be set in the payment gateway settings. The Client Certificate is usually in a file named something like 001_manXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX_distributor_paysafecard_com.crt.


Supports recurring payments: no

  1. In your VyHub instance, create a credits payment gateway.

Create packets that have Credits as reward, so that users can buy credits with real money. You will need another payment gateway for this.

Credits can be renamed with a name that matches your community (gulden, diamonds, ...). Rename in the general-shop settings.

Manually adding Credits

Credits can be manually added or removed from within the User Dashboard -> Purchases -> Credits.

It is possible to remove credits by entering a negative number of credits (e.g. -100 credits).


Supports recurring payments: no

Coupon gateways can be used to manually approve coupons (e.g., paysafecard pins, amazon cards)

  1. In your VyHub instance, create a coupon payment gateway.
  2. After a purchase is made and coupons are entered by the user, the coupons need to be approved under the confirm purchases tab on the shop admin page.


Supports recurring payments: no

The Free payment gateway is an internal construct. It always exists, can't be deleted, and no other payment gateways can be created with this type.

The Free payment gateway appears as a payment option whenever the total amount to pay is zero. This can happen if there is a zero packet price or a 100% discount has been applied.

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