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Groups are used to organize users and assign permissions to them. The use of this feature is optional and depends on your use case.


Attribute Description
Permission Level Used to determine the ability to target other users
Max Ban Length [Optional] Max length of bans the user can create
Is Team Whether the group will be shown on the team overview page
Properties Permission management and access control for functionalities
Negative Properties [Advanced] Negative properties (e.g. ban players from your website)
Mappings Mappings from VyHub groups to server/in-game ranks/groups/roles

Assigning Groups

Groups can be assigned to users in the User Dashboard in the group section. Furthermore, groups can be used as a reward in the shop can be assigned automatically through the VyHub Group shop reward.


Properties are used to control the user right management and access control. They can be used to restrict access to certain pages, features, or actions. For example, only user groups with the ban_create property can create bans through the website.

Learn more about properties in the properties guide.

Group Mappings

Group mappings are essential for the synchronization of groups on your servers when using the VyHub Group Sync and not using simple commands. Learn more about the VyHub Group Sync in the group sync guide.

Without a Group Mapping, it is not clear which VyHub group belongs to which server group(s). Therefore, the Sync cannot work.

A group mapping consists of two parts:

  1. Serverbundle: The group mapping is scoped for this serverbundle. Leave empty to make the mapping valid for all bundles.
  2. Name of group/rank/role: The name of the group/rank/role on your server.


Imagine that there are two serverbundles: One for Garry's Mod and one for Discord.

  • We want that users that have the Admin VyHub group in the GMOD serverbundle should receive the superadmin in-game.
  • Additionally, users that have the Admin VyHub group in the Discord serverbundle should receive the Owner role on the Discord server.

We go to the Mappings section of the Admin VyHub group and create two mappings:

  • One for the GMOD serverbundle with superadmin as group name.
  • One for the Discord serverbundle with Owner as group name.
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